Classification of Light

Depending on where it originates from, the sun, the moon, lightning, certain types of glowing insects, worms and fishes etc. are all example of natural sources of light. While, a candle flame, various types of torches, lamps and light fixtures are amongst the artificial light sources.
·        Visible light
Our sun emits light. Really strong intense light or radiation called electromagnetic radiation or EMR. The radiation is called electromagnetic because it contains both electric and magnetic properties. Electromagnetic radiation is a large family consisting seven members known as The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Our particular family member which lies in the middle of the spectrums, falls on the earth and which our eyes detect is called visible light or the visible spectrum. Its fraction is so small that if we consider the entire EM spectrum to be around 2500 miles, the visible fraction would be just one inch! It is within this inch that we live in our world of natural and extra ordinarily high definition color. We enjoy this privilege of color due to the presence of certain specialized cells in our eyes called Rods and Cons.
·        Invisible light

 Now the other type of electromagnetic radiations is also called light but not visible light. So, automatically they are considered by us to be invisible. So, now we know the light which we have naturally been introduced to since birth and that we see throughout our life is actually radiation and radiation of a good type that an important source of energy for life on earth as we have seen earlier. Now, just as members of a family differ from one another and have their own unique identity, so also these fractions of radiation, although part of the same family of light, are slightly different from one another. These different are due to three factors that are independent and give each member, its individuality. These factors are Wavelength, Frequency and Energy. The shorter the wavelength is the higher the frequencies and energies are. And the longer the wavelength is the lower the frequency and energy is.

Types of light:

1.       Radio wave: It has the longest wavelength with lowest frequency and energy. They are used for broadcasting TV and radio signals because they can cover a greater distance through the atmosphere due to their large wavelength. They are usually emitted and received by antennas.
2.       Microwaves: It has shorter wavelength than radio waves and higher frequencies and energy. These waves are used in the appliances like the microwave oven. They are also used in channels of telecommunication like mobile networks, Bluetooth and wireless LAN protocols.
3.       Infrared: This region of spectrum is more known for the aspect of heat associated with it as they have higher energy as compared to radio waves and microwaves. They are used by appliances like grills and electric stoves for heating and cooking food. IR is also used as a part of heat therapy to relieve aches and pains.
4.       Visible: Visible light has the wavelength in the range of 380-780 nanometers. Visible ray are simply of those wavelengths which our eyes can detect. It has colors and that is what we see.
5.       UV or Ultra-Violate: The uses of ultra violate radiations are also widespread in various aspects of life. They are used as sterilizing agents by the medical industry and by water purifiers to get rid of harmful bacteria.    It is used by dentist to harden teeth filling and by banks to detect fake currency notes.
6.       X-Ray: As we are aware, x-ray is also used to a great extent by the medical industry to examine the state of bones or foreign object in the body. It is also used by airport security to scan luggage for partially dangerous objects.
7.       Gamma: Gamma rays are a type of radiation with the lowest wavelength and the highest energy. They are the exact opposite of radio waves. They are emitted by radioactive materials, given off during nuclear explosions and during certain types of thunder storm. But despite of the fearful reputation they are used to kill cancer cells for medical and security scanning and also by space observatories for astronomical observations.
Radio wave
5m- 1m
1 m-1 mm
1 mm-780nm
Ultra Violate
10nm-0.01 nm
Gamma Ray
           0.01 nm-0.00005nm


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